Be part of the top 60

private and bilingual schools in the country!

The José Max León Bilingual School B-calendar, is an institution recognized for its 70-year history of educational excellence and its openness to plurality.

We train citizens of the world, autonomous, happy and responsible with their environment and their learning from the integration of the areas of Being, Knowing and Doing, for the construction of a comprehensive, ethical and transcendent life project.

¡Open admissions!

“Fulfill your duties silently

and claim your rights aloud”

Jose Max Leon



Learn what the Lions Critical Responsibility and Comprehensive Development profile is.


New Zealand and Brazil are the two destinations where our Lions can expand their view of the world.

Ethics of care

One of the pillars of Lions training helps children to have self-care, care for the other and their relationship with the environment.

Leonistas Life

We invite you to know all the activities that we carry out inside the school.

Procedure for admission

At the Jose Max Leon Bilingual School we have admissions from 3 and a half years to seventh grade.

Dates of the admission process

Sign up for our admissions talks so you can learn what makes us different.

Virtual talk

We carry out the admission process only up to grade 7

In this way, we ensure that students manage to develop the profile of Critical Responsibility at the time of graduating from school.

What are you waiting for to access an excellent education available to everyone?

Ícono teléfono

Lizeth Araque

Admissions Coordinator

313 4107760