
The María Eugenia Villarreal de León library is conceived as an engine of change and permanent improvement of educational quality, supporting the academic, cultural, ethical and aesthetic development of the community. In a transversal way, it fosters teaching and learning processes and strengthens the links between the different actors of the reading community.




As the go-to site for research—the core of any inquiry learning model—Britannica School oers thousands of curated and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, recommended Web sites, and three unique, but connected databases to meet every reading level.

The MEVL library has 18.869 titles and 30.000 copies in which the Leonista community can find the magical world of reading. Our excellent collection of texts and recommendations from a great professional team, help students to fly with unique pieces of writing, acquiring new knowledge, and developing their Critical Responsibility.

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At the María Eugenia Villareal de León Library, we have a great team of collaborators who will be willing to recommend a book to you.

The Library is continuously carrying out activities to involve children in reading, spaces such as the literary picnic, book fairs or the secret book, help our Lions enjoy reading from an early age and form their critical thinking. in different areas of knowledge.

Recommended books

Do not miss these recommended books that we know you will love.