Naipes con García – August

At CBJML, we foster Critical Responsibility in all our students and collaborators. That is why we are not unaware of our country’s reality and we work for causes that help build world citizens with memory, willing to contribute with new ideas to a better society.


Ever since I arrived in western Boyacá through the meticulous work of my friend @bermudezlievano, the cocoa of @kakaoteros.p stuck in my heart. @lucasurvi, @urbanonicolas, @mariaurbanovi, @donjuancacao, and many other brave ones left the conflicts of emeralds and cocaine behind (which confronted brother towns) to grow organic products that bring hearts together.

On the weekend, at an event that made me extremely proud, @alcaldia_paunaboyaca and the generous farmer producers welcomed us at @glamping_gualilo, their own homes and businesses.

They organized a screening of the documentary @posconflictoCorp that I did thanks to @diptongomediagroup (I still don’t know how did @mangoarango@julianduque2, and @carlosgpissa put up with me) and in which @elespectador, particularly through @mariangel_hernandez, played a fundamental role in the broadcasting of this celebration.

The conditions of the event were worthy of competing against any worldwide festival, but what made this date more memorable was seeing the leading characters of the documentary and the spectators moved, feeling dignified by people from the city, who usually look down on them even though they are the foundation of their nutrition.

True friendships are a magnet for other forms of love

Those of us who believe in empathy as the core for a better society are more than the cynical ones, and more than those perpetuators of war and its disastrous results, who often seek only to favor themselves and their families.

I said this also to Congresswoman @juanitagoebertus, who joined the event as another spectator and a fan of these heroes of our fields and mountains.

Rural Colombia deserves a standing ovation from all of us, capable of shattering and overthrowing the dynasties of corruption and hatred that have delayed the starting line for the development of this country.

This weekend I understood that rather than losing time hating (justly) the corrupt and the violent, we must help broadcast stories capable of changing regions and also, realities.

The good ones are more

Those of us who are devoted to education (me from @colegiojosemaxleon and @uniandes, thanks to @emprenovation) and arts usually have it very clear, but we turn out to be quite shy when it comes to committing ourselves to fair causes.

It is understandable not wanting to speak up in a country that shoots its own knee by annihilating the bravest voices, but it is a moment in which History demands us to be standing on the most correct side, on the least worst side.

Thanks from the bottom of my soul to everyone who participated in this first project. A personal dream came true by doing my part to a collective cause that Colombia is long overdue: the field must stop being a lost profit so that this horrible night finally comes to an end.

We owe ourselves a more productive and sustainable landscape, one that works as a pantry for the well-being of all. Those of us who want this must be more every day.

Robert Max Steenkist

Manager, CBJML

Know a story that bets to peace in the documentary Posconflicto.Corp!